The young bride in this picture was 10 years into marriage before she began to view herself and marriage from a biblical perspective. Yes, I was a Christian and yes, I thought I knew what it took to have a good marriage. It wasn’t that our marriage was on the rocks but it certainly wasn’t what I had thought it would be, could be or should be. That was 17 years ago!
I am ever thankful that Judie, a Titus 2 woman, called me up and told me she was going to mentor me and that we were going to study The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. That day was the beginning of me coming to terms with what a biblical wife looks like and having a marriage that honors God. I won’t say it’s easy, anything worthwhile is hard work, but it is easier and there is so much more joy and contentment.
I am excited to announce that a few young ladies and I are embarking on this journey together and I would like to invite you to join us. I will be studying the same book with Krista @threebluebirdslovenest , Heidi @heidi_postier , Karlie @karliebloom and Betsy @betsycdurant . We will be discussing the book together and then offering an IG Live for Q & As and discussion. We will not be going fast but we will be steady.
This journey is hard but worthwhile. I would ask you to consider if you’re ready to work on yourself and lining up to what the Bible says about marriage and being a wife. It is better to walk in ignorance than open rebellion and once you are aware of these biblical principles, you will be responsible before the Lord with what you do with them. We will not be trash talking our husbands or focusing on what we think they should or should not be doing - the work will be personal. Also, if you aren’t married, the principles laid out in this book are useful in all relationships and you can still benefit from them.
You can find the book at Christian bookstores, Amazon and Christian Book Distributors.
Will you join us? Are you ready to embrace a biblical perspective on marriage and do the hard work? If so, let me know and let’s GO! I am happy to walk alongside you on this journey!